always worried things will go wrong?
Time for professional help for your anxiety with a trained therapist in Campbell, Ca
Healing Therapy Services is trained to help with anxiety
You're anxious. We are here to help.
Anxiety is the consist state of worry and feeling of uneasiness. The American Psychological Association defines anxiety as an "emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure."
Are you noticing that you are struggling in making decisions? Always worried something will go wrong? Struggling in relationships? Feeling on edge and restless? Are people telling you, "you worry too much?" If you answered yes to a lot of the above questions it is time to get some help. Pair up with an anxiety therapist.
Individual Therapy helps with anxiety by allowing you to get to the core of the problems and finding solutions. Counseling with a licensed therapist can assist you in discovering the underlying cause of your worries and fears; learn how to feel calm; address your thoughts; and develop better ways of coping so that you don't feel consumed by anxiety. Treatment for anxiety will help you focus, improve self-esteem, handle stressors, and feel more confident.
Various Anxiety Disorders treated in therapy
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Panic Disorder/ Panic Attacks
Social Anxiety Disorder
Seperation Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorders impact your mental health and overall self-esteem. Anxiety disorders make you feel like you can't function and anxiety can cause issues in dating and relationships. There is mental health help for anxiety disorder with therapy.
Therapy for anxiety gets to the root of your anxiety disorder and helps you create positive changes. Weekly therapy for anxiety will assist you in understanding your triggers and managing your anxiety symptoms.
Get professional mental health help with a therapist in San Jose, Ca and Campbell, Ca to treat anxiety.
Anxiety treatment can benefit anyone struggling with general anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and relationship anxiety. Anxiety treatment in San Jose, Ca is provided to teens, children, and adults struggling with ongoing anxiety that is keeping them from focusing and managing their mood. Therapy in San Jose, Ca is available to individuals ready to begin anxiety treatment. Therapy is able to help with improving mood, reducing anxiety, managing mental health and improving relationships. When you work with a licensed therapist you can identify your anxiety triggers and the root of your struggles.
You can help someone struggling with anxiety by being an emotional support system, encouraging them to get professional help such as seeing a licensed therapist, counselor, or speaking to their doctor. Healing Therapy Services is equipped to help teens, children, and adults struggling with anxiety and other mental health problems, like depression.
Address your anxiety triggers
Manage your worry and overthinking
Learn coping skills to life stressors and panic attacks
Process past trauma that could contribute to current anxiety, social anxiety, and separation anxiety
Learn to calm you body and mind through grounding activities
Begin anxiety treatment in Campbell, CA
You can rely on our licensed therapist to help you cope with anxiety, depression, social anxiety, trauma, and marital problems. We offer hybrid counseling, both onsite counseling in San Jose, CA and Campbell, CA and virtual therapy anywhere in California. It is time for you to feel better and feel less anxious.
Anxiety keeps you from making decisions. Second-guessing yourself is a sign of anxiety.
Your relationships may be negatively affected by anxious thoughts and emotions when you suffer from anxiety.
Therapy with a licensed therapist in San Jose, Ca and Campbell, Ca can help you feel more confident and secure.
Anxiety treatment is available with a therapist that cares, listens, and assists with anxiety management.
Therapy helps anxiety sufferers feel more at peace and address what triggers their anxiety. Therapy with Healing Therapy Services can help anxious teens and adults heal and thrive.
With professional therapy help you don't have to let anxiety live your life to the fullest.
Healing Therapy Services supports you with your mental health. We are passionate about seeing teens and adults meet their mental health goals.
You don’t have to suffer from anxiety alone.
We offer support from our Campbell, CA-based therapy practice. Contact us directly to request a 15 minute phone consult. Healing Therapy Services in Campbell offers comprehensive counseling solutions that help you manage anxiety and focus your concentration. This is so you can make decisions and control your life. Take care of your mental health with anxiety treatment in San Jose, Ca and in Campbell, Ca. Stop worrying and suffering and get the help you need with a caring therapist. We also know that anxiety can be found in relationships as well and make it difficult to connect. Therefore we offer couples counseling. Couples counseling in Campbell, CA is ideal for the couples wanting to strengthen their partnership. Our goal in counseling is to ease overwhelming anxiety so that you can achieve balance and success in your life again.