This Autumn season, you can take care of your mental health with therapy and some of these activities. By taking care of yourself, you will experience improved mood, reduced anxiety, a relaxed state of mind, and improved relationships with others and yourself.
Here are 7 ideas to help you feel relaxed and cozy this Fall season.
1. Take a nature walk -- Taking a walk on a trail this autumn is a form of self-care. When you go for a walk you can do itsolo, with a friend, or take your dog for a walk. While on your walk it is a good time to reflect on all that you are grateful for. If you are using this walking in nature time to think what you are grateful for here are some great gratitude questions. You can listen to a Fall podcast while on your nature stroll. There are many health benefits of going on walks. Some of the mental health benefits of walks are:
-Reduced anxiety.
- Reduces depression
- Improved focus
- Improved emotional regulation
- Better sleep
Put on your tennis shoes, put on your jacket, and enjoy a walk in nature this Fall.
2. Have a warm drink-- Have a warm drink this Fall season or an iced one. Pumpkin cold brew season is back and it's more of a reason to take care of you. Some great warm Fall drinks for your self-care routine are:
- Hot chocolate.
- Iced or Warm Chai Latte
- Pumpkin Cold Brew
- Spanish latte
- Warm apple cider
In case you are interested in discovering other self-care drink recipes for the Fall season, you can click on this link.
3. Candles for fall-- It probably doesn't have to be said, but maybe you need a gentle reminder to light a candle in the morning or evening. Check out your nearest Target, Marshalls, Ross, TJ Max for affordable Fall candles. Even if you don't like the smell of pinecones, vanilla, pumpkin, or cedar you might just appreciate a lit up candle while playing some Halloween or classical music in the background. Lighting a candle is a great way of taking care of you.
4. Reflective writing or reading-- Grab a journal if you don't already have one and write. There are many journal templates you can find online that can help you if you need some journaling ideas. A worthwhile read for self improvement is The Mountain Is You, 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty, and Atomic Habits by James Clear.
When writing or reading you can have your face mask on or have your Fall candle lit in the background. My latest favorite fall candle is here.
5. Baking fall desserts-- My favorite fall desserts to bake are apple tart and puff pastries. They are willed with apple, cardamon, cinnamon, and apricot jam rolled on a puff pastry. They are easy and quick to make. You can also bake warmbanana bread and if you are feeling generous you can take leftovers to share with friends or colleagues. Are you planning to make a homemade pumpkin or apple pie for your self-care routine this fall? There is no reason why you should not do it. When it comes to baking something you enjoy, there will be no regrets when you do so.
6. At home facial--Have you ever done a facial at home? There are many different types of face masks available on the market today. Some are mud or clay masks, gel masks, peel off masks, sheet masks and the list goes on. If you would like to get a better idea which mask is suitable for your skin, then you should read this article. Facials help relax you whichcontributes to self-care and self-love.
7. Relaxing music -- This is the season for light classical tunes and acoustic music. Play music that makes you feel at peace. There are benefits to calming music as it contributes to mental health benefits. Music can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. It can also help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Listening to music can be relaxing and calming. Music can also help to reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins which help us to feel better. Music can also help to create a sense of clarity and focus, allowing us to think more clearly and make better decisions.
Taking care of you is priority in every season not just the Fall. These seven fall self-care ideas are only some of the self-care activities you could incorporate into your daily routine. In addition to incorporating a self-care routine you can talk to a mental health professional such as a therapist if you find yourself struggling and needing additional support. Practicing self-care and self-love is an action you will never regret. Take care of your mental health and body. This Fall, the cozy season is ready for you.