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How to take care of my mental health

A person's mental health is something that must be taken care of on a regular basis. As a result of our mental health suffering, other areas of our life, such as our career, our home life, our relationships, and our physical health are adversely affected.  Mental health help can come in many forms, such as therapy, medication, or other forms of support. It is important to seek help when needed in order to ensure that our mental health is taken care of and our overall wellbeing is improved.

mental health issues in men

Take care of your mental health with these 8 tips:

  1. Get physical activity in. Your body benefits from physical activity. This could be 30 minute exercise at the gym or outside. Physical movement has many benefits for our mental health. It reduces stress, boosts energy levels, and improves concentration. Regular physical activity can also help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Some physical movement activities could be weightlifting, yoga, kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, pilates, yoga, kickboxing, running, walking, tennis, etc. The point is to get your body moving.

  2. Write in a journal. Starting a gratitude journal or simply writing some of your thoughts out is an excellent way of improving your mood, outlook on life, and gaining mental clarity. Writing down your feelings, thoughts, goals, life vision, and needs, is an effective tool to care for your mental health. Keeping a journal can help you identify patterns and issues that you may be struggling with. Once you write things down this will enable you to work through your struggles in a more mindful way. It can also provide an opportunity for self-reflection and growth.

  3. Take a shower. It might seem silly to think that taking a shower can benefit your mental health, but taking a shower can relax our muscles or wake us up when we are feeling groggy and drained. A warm bath after a long mentally exhausting day is also relaxing and can assist us when feeling anxious or depressed.

  4. Remind yourself that this too shall pass. It's easy to stay in a funk when we feel like nothing in our life is workingwell. However, shifting your mentality that these difficult moments will pass can remind you that you will get through this. Taking a few deep breaths and focusing on positive thoughts can help to ground and motivate you.

  5. Seek the help of a therapist. The role of a therapist is to help people who are suffering from anxiety and depression. Mental health professionals are trained in supporting people during difficult times and mental health struggles. A licensed therapist can provide you with the coping tools to manage your symptoms of depression or anxiety. There are many benefits to talking to a licensed therapist. If you live in the San Jose, CA area including Campbell, CA there are a number of therapists including Healing Therapy Services that are equipped to help you through your mental health journey.

  6. Find an activity that you will enjoy. Activities can range from salsa dancing, learning a new language, golfing, hiking, book clubs, pottery making, kayaking, spike ball, etc. You can either go alone or with a friend. The point is to find joy in these fun activities, especially when your mental health is suffering. You may find it difficult to leave the house to do something fun, but that's exactly what you need.

  7. Travel for your mental health. How long has it been since you took a break? Do you avoid taking care of yourself because you are in a constant work mode. You may need to take some time off from your consistent day-to-day grind to improve your mental health. You can also play it safe by doing a mini weekend getaway. If you live in the Bay Area here are some places you could visit for a mental health break.

  8. Read self-help books. There are a number of self-help books that assist people during their personal struggles. Reading gives you new knowledge and perspective you did not have before. These books can provide motivation, help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and provide guidance on how to better manage stress and difficult situations. If you would like some therapist recommended reads below is a list.

Therapists recommend self-help books for your mental health:

How to know if your mental health is not doing well:

  • You are depressed

  • You're always overthinking, worrying something will go wrong, assuming the worst possible outcome

  • Having suicidal thoughts or self-harming behavior (e.g. cutting)

  • Low motivation to complete tasks, get out of bed, shower

  • Lack of appetite or binge eating

  • Feeling sad, crying, or easily irritated throughout your week

  • Forgetting to complete tasks or forgetting your commitments

  • Disorganized or messy area

  • Hoarding

  • Isolating yourself from others or struggling to be alone

  • Reckless driving, speeding, road rage

  • Heavy drinking or drug use

  • Addicted to pornography.

  • Feeling worthless or hopeless

  • Low self-esteem

When to seek professional help for your mental health

There are times when you need professional help when you cannot shake negative feelings or thoughts. It can feel overwhelming to seek help, but you might just save your life if you get the appropriate professional assistance. In 2021, 48,183 people committed suicide in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The statistical data shows the number of people who needed assistance. No matter whether you have never contemplated suicide, if you experience anxiety or depression, you should seek help. Licensed therapists are available to support you during your struggles. It will take time to get through your hardships, but your mental health will improve in the end.

therapy for mental health

In addition, it is imperative that you let your close family and friends know of your mental health struggles so that they can also provide emotional support to you during these trying times. The people who care about you can listen to what you have to say and be there to support you, while you also get help for your mental health from a licensed therapist who will be able to provide you with professional support. The support you receive from your family and friends will be invaluable as you work towards your goals in conjunction with professional guidance.

Who to contact if experiencing a mental health crisis:

If you are having suicidal thoughts and have a plan to harm yourself or are engaging in self-harming behavior don't wait and contact a suicide hotline or visit your nearest emergency psychiatric facility.

San Francisco Suicide Prevention: 24/7 Crisis Line: Call (415) 781-0500  |   24/7 Text Line: Text (415) 200-2920

Crisis Support Services of Alameda County (CSS): 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE




"Sometimes you don't actually want to die, but are seeking for a reason to live."- Kari Del Real, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Owner of Healing Therapy Services

Healing Therapy Services is a private therapy practice in Campbell, CA serving individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, and trauma.

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